Monday, November 4, 2013


A teacher shows three very bright students 3 red hats and 2 white hats.

The students are then blindfolded and the teacher puts one hat on each of the student and remaining hats in a closed bag.

The task for the students is to identify the colour of the hat on their head by seeing the hats of other two students.

The first student removes his blindfold and is able only to see the other two students' hat.  He says he cannot say for certain the colour of his own hat.

After hearing the first student, the second student removes his blindfold and sees the other students' hats, and he too says that he cannot say for certain the colour of his own hat.

After hearing the first two students and thinking for a while, without removing his blindfold the last student says he knows the colour of his hat.

While the first two students are unable to say the colour of their own hat, how the third student is able to say for certain the colour of his own hat blindfolded.

What is the colour of his hat and Why he is able to say for sure?

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Saturday, November 2, 2013


There are 3 Males and 3 Females in a troupe.

Three people at random get selected for a show.

What is the probability of two males and one female getting selected for the show.