After completing his Engineering in the Madras Institute of Technology, Shri KVK felt that unless a person acquired knowledge of the latest technology and practical experience in an area of specialisation he would not be able to deliver the goods in the best manner. He wanted to study in the United States which had great reputation for modern scientific knowledge and latest technology. He pursued higher studies in the Michigan State University and Minnesota University in the United States of America in the subjects of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering. Shri KVK took up a part time job in Olds Mobile factory in Lansing, Capital city of Michigan to finance his living expenses while studying.
Even at that time Shri KVK entertained ideas and plans of starting an industry to generate wealth and employment and be of some service to his countrymen. Shri KVK’s work experience both within the university and in industry while in America gave him valuable insight into industrial production practices and their work culture.
In spite of his agricultural background Shri KVK was determined to acquire technical expertise and experience so that he could serve his country by starting an industry. His slender means did not prevent him from entertaining the ambition of becoming an industrial entrepreneur. However he did not like to ape the western ways and fashions but to attempt something that would suit the Indian ethos and the essential requirements of his country. Given an opportunity he wanted to start an industry which would cater to the needs of the farmers, and modernize agriculture in his homeland.
What all INDIAN should note is that Shri KVK cherished a desire to return to his own country after finishing his studies abroad and serve the people by acquiring modern knowledge in the USA. In this respect he was unlike most of the US educated young men and young women of India who hanker after lucrative jobs in foreign countries and refuse to return to their motherland on some pretext or another. Even as a student in America Shri KVK used to advise his Indian friends to service their motherland after finishing their studies.
While most of his friends remained in US and Canada as NRIs or long time residents, Shri KVK chose to come back to India, prepared to face the umpteen problem and uncertainties of our country only to build South India’s largest conglomerate into Agri, Oil and Energy sector.
His is the only conglomerate in the private sector that is into all the sectors essential for sustained growth, self sufficiency and development of our country.
One should feel proud that not only Shri KVK Raju but also his generations have inherited the value to return to the motherland to serve the nation after their higher education abroad.
“Serving Society Through Industry” and “Serve Motherland” are the Mission fulfilled by Shri KVK which is a great value to be imbibed by all NRIs.
Source Prof IV Chalapathi Rao
Published for MSN.COM
Now recession seems to be bringing people back.
Kudos to Shri. Raju for his reverence to our motherland
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